About The Blog
Welcome to Mrs.B! This is my online diary and ramble that goes on in my head at 150 mph. I document all things usually in my memory box (brain). So, I decided why not share it with you here in this blog!

About Me
The Roots
Hello! My name is Bridget, also known as Mrs.B. I am currently 45 years young and reside in the busy, 24 hour-opened city of Las Vegas. I was originally born and raised on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii and I will always be an island girl at heart! I have been married to my husband, who is police officer, for 18 whopping years. I have also been blessed with 4 amazing children, ages ranges from 28 through 15. I am a Grammy of 2 gorgeous grandchildren. Motherhood has always been my first priority and when I’m not running around like a chicken without it’s head, I am still running around like a chicken without it’s head! I like to say my life is organized chaos. I am a Early Childhood Director and teacher for 20 years and counting. I love creating children’s habitat, this is one of many joys of my life. It is my passion! I am also the founder of an amazing women’s group, The Beehive, and when I say amazing, I mean it, you will see more about this on my posts. I am a lover of traveling, camping, and the outdoors in general, and that most likely stems from being outside with my brothers my whole childhood. I am pretty much obsessed with laughing, ohana, my community, coffee, books, music, teaching, learning and especially dancing. For more of my personal life journey, you would have to keep in touch. Throughout this blog, I will be sharing my travel tips and photos, children habitats, Bee Hive love, family shenanigans, and more! I hope this blog will inspire you, bring you laughter, love, faith, and joy!