Ohana, this means family, and to me, this is the most important thing in my life. My ohana consists of 4 children, 2 grandchildren, parents, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, a number of uncles, aunts and cousins. Ohh, I almost forgot, my husband and my lovely dog Louie. My immediate ohana are as follows, Nisha, 28, who is creative and has an entrepreneur mindset. Austin, 26, go getter, hard-working and my only boy. Isabel, 18, level headed, emotional and kind-hearted. Amaiya, 15, the baby, baker, health conscious, environmentalist, and vegetarian. My grandchildren, Mimiko, 8, Maison, 8 months, who keeps me on my toes. My husband Eddie, the captain of our ship, keeps everyone in line with his family meetings and budget sheets. Louie keeps this family safe because he barks at everything that moves and chases birds from my yard.
Something is always going on in our household, whether it’s planning a trip, birthday parties, or even trying to use the restroom, it’s organized chaos at it’s finest. I am always asked, “what is your family up to now?” because we are always doing something. We are very close, always in each others faces, we know everyone’s business even if we are told it’s a secret, it's not really a secret.... We have a no close door system in our house. I love this chaos! When there is no noise in this home it feels weird. We are so out of the box that sometimes I think we might be aliens. :)
Our current situation, since COVID is to focus on trying to stay healthy, COVID free and simultaneously trying to live as normal as possible. It has been quite the struggle. So far, just 2 out of 8 have taken the vaccine. We have been blessed that no one in my immediate family has gotten COVID. We are just waiting for this pandemic to be over so we can get “buck wild” again.
Even though we have slowed down a bit during this pandemic, my family continues to love each other from afar. We may not see each other face to face as often but we continue to call each other, drop off food, necessities at door steps and do well-checks. One thing that this pandemic has reinforced to me, is that family, health, faith, and love are the most important things to have and with these four components, we can conquer anything!!
